April 1, 2016

Business Culture in China

Understanding Business Culture in China

Understanding business culture in China can gain you long term profitability as well as help you avoid pitfalls.

Business culture in China originates from the basic Chinese values and beliefs: be moderate, honoring harmony and humility, group oriented, to name a few. The basic values differ significantly from the west which translates into widely different practices: from handing business cards, to arrange seating for a conference and to communicating with a Chinese employee.


SinoUS will recommend any American business to understand well Chinese culture  before embarking on doing business with China. Good knowledge and practice will translate into harmonious relationship and eventually good profitability.

SinoUS provides comprehensive trainings on business culture in China. It contains two modules. The first module gives an overview of Chinese  values, Chinese consumers, Chinese demographics, Chinese government, working with Chinese partners and etc. The second module emphasizes on Chinese business etiquette: tips of Chinese culture, Dos and Don’ts.

Please contact SinoUS to discuss your training needs.


Business Culture in China


Business Culture in China

Business Culture in China