July 8, 2013

Do Business with China

SinoUS Helps Companies Do business with China

SinoUS  International LLC is an Iowa based international business service provider that helps American companies doing business with China.

The past three decades have seen tremendous trade growth between the U.S and China. The trend is continuing marked by recent exponential growth of Chinese direct investment in the U.S.  However, due to geographic distance, language barrier, political and cultural differences, there are still wide business disconnect and communication gaps between the two markets.

Doing business with China

Doing business with China

SinoUS was established to strengthen business connections between the two countries.  It provides services in the following areas: China market research, source from China, distribution channels development in China, Chinese culture training, translation and etc.

SinoUS team are all China market experts. They not only understand well both Chinese and American markets and business practices, but have delivered proven business successes in China. The team highly values honesty, integrity and reliability.

SinoUS will help you do business with China smoothly.