December 14, 2015

Selling to China

Selling to China

Selling to China|Help Companies in Iowa Selling to China

Selling to China

There are many reasons selling to China is probably a wise thing to do for your business.

  1. China’s middle class has risen to 109 million by the end of 2015. It has overtaken the United States to become the largest in t
    he world. By 2030, China’s middle class will reach about 93% of the urban population. The rise of China’s middle class will help lift consumption share in GDP to around 50% by 2030 from 3
    6% in 2014.
  1. The rising middle class are increasingly looking for authenticity and quality in products. Import products, especially those made in the U.S and Europe, are conceived as of high quality and reliability.
  1. Food, baby care, beauty products are some of the top listed products Chinese are looking for from the U.S.

In order for you to sell successfully to China, SinoUS will help you conduct China market research, search for and select the right distributor or partner to work with, or establish direct sales channels.