April 19, 2014

Why SinoUS

Suppose you plan to travel to a foreign country, how would you like to go about the trip?

You may read from the internet and do research by yourself. But unless you understand the language, the information available to you is limited. Furthermore, this is also very time consuming and you always are asked to differentiate between commercial information and pure knowledge. Sometimes this is not possible.

You may hire an international travel agency that has a subsidiary company in the foreign country. But this agency often times focuses on bigger contracts and the personalized service you require might be very costly. You may hire a local travel agency without the experience in the foreign country but with a partnership with a foreign agency. The information provided is valuable but indirect. And the cost for the service is often much higher.

What if you happen to have a good friend nearby who travels to this foreign country frequently, or better yet, lived there for years recently. He or she is able to offer you an overview of the country, specific information regarding transportation, lodging, food, people and so on. More importantly, he or she will reveal to you lots of “tips” and “tricks” you otherwise wouldn’t acquire through other “grandiose” channels.

SinoUS is this friend of yours in your business pursuit with China. We are near you. We understand your culture, language and business needs and we can always come to you to understand even better. We are very familiar with the Chinese market, business environment and practices. We have a network that extends to various industries. Because of this, we are not only able to offer marketing research for your specific industry, but to put you with the right contacts if you need.

Businesses are all advised to “do their homework” before embarking on a foreign country. The best team to help you with your Chinese market homework is SinoUS.